Okay, so the Patriots lost the Superbowl and the G.O.A.T. doesn’t get his due just yet. There’s always next year. After all, the guy is only 40, right? And here we are, midwinter with Spring just around the corner, despite what Punxutawney Phil had to say. Actually, here in New England we’re looking at at least 8 more weeks of winter, and possibly 10. Just the price we pay for living in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. And there’s so much snowshoeing, skiing, snowmobiling and skating (and plowing and shoveling) yet to do! Not to mention just sitting in front of the woodstove, listening to Billy McLaughlin radio on Pandora, eating a just-baked gluten-free paleo english muffin with homemade cinnamon blueberry jam and sipping spiced almond milk, maple syrup-sweetened hot cacao. Or is that just me?
Anyway, speaking of radio – have you discovered Spiritual Soup du Jour yet? My radio show happens on Monday evenings at 7PM EST, only on United Pagan Radio. It’s a “Metaphysical Melange” of topics, an exploration of spiritual, paranormal and extra-ordinary subjects, different each week. I sometimes focus on current events, sometimes topical discussions based on an upcoming holiday (popular or lesser-known), or whatever catches my attention as I research subjects interesting to me. I encourage my listeners to suggest topics for upcoming shows, and to call in or message me during the show with questions or comments. We each have wonderful and interesting experiences, and I would love to talk with you about yours!
Last week’s show, to be continued tonight (Feb. 5, 2017) is on a topic that has just kept me enthralled and, frankly, geeking out since I first came across the reference. Beginning in 1998, a Harvard-educated University of Arizona professor and his colleagues embarked on an attempt to scientifically prove the survival of consciousness beyond the cessation of bodily functioning. In other words, Life After Death. My discussion is a focus on the test results described in Dr. Gary Schwartz’s book The Afterlife Experiments (New York, NY: Atria Books, 2002). Learn more about these fascinating experiments and their shocking and amazing findings here.
If you’d like to listen to Spiritual Soup du Jour (or any of the other quality programming on United Pagan Radio) on your mobile Android device, download the app! Coming soon to iTunes as well.